Heidi Montags Boob Job
Heidi Montags Boob Job
Heidi Montags Boob Job

الجمعة، 10 يوليو 2009

Pamela David Stripperella


Ever heard of the show Stripperella before? No surprise if you haven’t. It was, ah, a very unique show - and not one that drew in a huge audience. Its audience was very, ah, selective, as the name of the show might indicate.

Stripperella was the tale of Erotica Jones, a stripper by day who is also a secret agent by night. She’s endowed with some special powers, including super strength, above-average intelligence (either that or everybody else in the show is just very, very stupid) and incredible reflexes. Coupled with her stripping abilities and martial arts prowess she’s a powerful lady. The cartoon (yes it was a cartoon) was based on Pamela Anderson, and used her as a voice actor. It was also created by Stan Lee, the same guy who created Spider-Man (what a difference in characters).

Needless to say the show only lasted 13 episodes before it got canned. On the flip side, though (and much to the purpose of this blog) it was translated into several other languages, and Pamela David was responsible for providing Stripperella’s voice in Spanish. Takes a sexy girl to voice a sexy girl, apparently.

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